Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Peachy Impeachment Day!

It's Peachy impeachment day 
when Democrats come to play 
and chase mr. Trump away 
its peachy impeachment day 
we're going to impeach the beach 
because that is what he needs 
he needs a good old-fashioned impeaching 
and we'll be giving it to him this season 
peachy impeachment day 
it's better than Christmas hey 
Peach him along the way it's 

peachy impeachment day!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Trump and Epstein pick out their next Pussy to Grab...

Twitter works For Trump!

I'm not a Zuckerberg fan but Jack Dorsey and Twitter are FAR worse for honesty in American politics than Zuck and Facebook. By banning political ads, but letting Trump keep his Twitter account Dorsey is public enemy #1 for misleading America. Twitter would go broke if not for Trump. Trump posts all of the most racist hateful Russian-bot disinformation and he does it dozens of times a day. Each one of his posts on that vile medium is quoted by news services worldwide and goes directly out to brainwash countless millions. It would be far better for our democracy if Titter allowed political ads. The WORST of pol-ads only say the same things Trump says and at least his followers would be presented with some countering views. Trump can be a hatemonger on Shitter because he earns $ for Jack Dorsey. Dorsey's other breadwinner, Kanye 'God' West says slavery was a choice! Jack Dorsey is fine with that on his fascisTwitter.

It's LEGAL to LIE on the Internet, but not Under Oath

You know It's LEGAL to LIE on the Internet, but not Under Oath. That's why 'Mafia Don' and his troll army won't even testify before Republicans in congress! They can lie all they want on Twitter, but if they tell the same lies under oath they go to prison!

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal Lawyer = In Prison
Paul Manafort Trump's initial Campaign manager = In Prison
Trump and Giuliani's days are numbered.

Peachy Impeachment Day!

It's Peachy impeachment day  when Democrats come to play  and chase mr. Trump away  its peachy impeachment day  we're going...